Giving Thanks

The holiday season is now officially upon us, and while the weather here in Honolulu still feels more like September than the end of November, it’s time to give thanks for what we’ve got. This is kind of a special one for me, as it represents the first full year that I’ve been running the shop by myself. In the past, I always had Clay or Kevin around to lean on and get advice from whether in fishing or in business, but now I have to take full responsibility for the decisions I make on the flats or in the shop.

Not that I do it all alone, as my family has supported me through the crazy idea of first working in, then running a strange little fly fishing store.


The next two guys have really had my back, tying nearly all of the flies you lucky anglers get to fish. There simply aren’t enough quality saltwater flies on the market, and without Clay and Dean-o sweating over hot vises, I don’t know how I’d make it work. You know when you fish one of their flies that years of experience and practical know how has gone into everything they tie. Clay has also used his years of accounting savvy to help me from giving the store away with bad math.

ET has been a friend, teacher, and guide to both myself and the clients he helps on their own journeys as saltwater fishermen.

This bald kid has been a huge help to me this year, allowing me to get a few precious hours away from the shop and outdoors so I can clear my head. Some of you have already met him, most of you will eventually. Remember Drew, we only make fun of people we sometimes like. Most of the time.




I’ve also had the pleasure to fish with a bunch of friends from places near and far. It’s amazing the great people you meet who share the love of fish and the ocean.


I’m always thankful for the fish. They keep coming back despite our worst efforts to kill them all and destroy their homes. You have to love their tenacity in the face of such adversity.

And finally, I’d like to say a huge mahalo to you, our loyal customers for all your support! Without you guys the shop wouldn’t be here and I would probably be doing something that made me hate life. So I hope all of you have a great holiday weekend, pig out, and catch some fish! Aloha

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"Nervous Water Fly Fishers- your guide to fly fishing in Hawaii"